The Hip Bone IS Connected to the Neck Bone

I’ve come to appreciate the importance and the complexities of working with clients who report a variety of issues related to the pelvis. Most people in the beginning are unaware of their pelvis and how it relates to their body.
What I’ve come to appreciate as a therapist is a certain relationship of the pelvis to upper back and neck tightness and low back pain with heaviness in the lower limbs of the body. Pressure from the internal organs, perineum, ligaments and muscles from the pelvic floor transmit heaviness upward and downward from the spine. Low back joints can often adhere to the sacrum for many people.
The upper back and neck then compensate for this tightness, creating challenges related to range of motion, rotation and flexibility. These conditions appear to be only related to the upper part of the body, when in fact, the pelvis requires attention as well. Neck pain, headaches or other conditions may then occur for many clients, particularly if they are at a desk or computer all day. Often, one side of the body feels much different from the other. I’ve listened to many women be surprised that their child-bearing years, or early operations affecting the abdominal/pelvic region, may be part or some essential reason for their physical aggravations later in life. Operations, including hysterectomies, appendectomies, the removal of ovarian cysts, can have lasting affects on tissue softness within the pelvis. Women who report a history of abdominal pressure or discomfort for most of their life also seem to develop conditions related to hip pain with referred heaviness and fatigue into the lower limbs. Clients are also surprised old injuries, such as taking a fall and landing on the “tailbone,” often compromise the coccyx and tighten the gluteus muscles. Clients who report a condition of sciatica often require release into the coccyx and deeper more specific work into the sacrum. Injuries are sometimes caused by imbalance within the pelvis. Whether from an accident or operation, pelvic imbalances can affect the large muscle groups in the legs which can then become misaligned and tight, causing vital flexibility within the knee and ankle joints to become problematic. When clients talk about tightness in the upper back and neck or if they experience the need for extra effort to move their legs, they also communicate other symptoms such as shortness of breath, a lack of energy and lethargy. These are related conditions which can affect people on an emotional level and how “able” they see themselves. Clients have reported that my use of both Visceral Manipulation and Cranio-Sacral Therapy have proven to be very effective in helping them with these (as well as many other) conditions or concerns. As the title says, the hip bone really is connected to the neck bone therefore, where the pain exists does not necessarily mean that this is where the problem lives. This is why it is important to look at the whole body when making an assessment and creating a plan to help the body perform at optimum levels! If you would like more information about how we may be able to help you, please click here to make an appointment or learn more about how I can help you.