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Restructuring the physical & energetic properties of the body to spur deeper physical & emotional healing.
There are many forms of energy work available in our community. Some of the most familiar are Reiki and the use of the Chakra system. What distinguishes my work from these other methods is an organic process of restructuring the body, combining both the physical and emotional body fields of the client’s energetic system and my own. I am able to diffuse and remove the deepest layers of constriction of the body and effectively alter the various organs and systems, where they are compromised. An excess of scar tissue, regenerated within the body, often constricts and compresses the spine and viscera at the deepest levels of the body. When these regions are opened and expanded, the whole of the body changes and acquires greater freedom of movement, circulation, and function. Therefore, my practice, I consider a very functional energetic form of medicine.
Blend of Visceral & CranioSacral Therapies
An energetic blend of Visceral & CranioSacral therapies has both physical and emotional benefits. The Visceral Manipulation releases tension in the connective tissues & lymph. This helps relieve pain, stress, muscle constriction, and often post surgical / injury symptoms. CranioSacral therapy is a calm, light, relaxing therapy that manipulates the connective tissues around the head and spine, improving circulation, flexibility, energy, mood, and cognition.
90-120 min | $120 or 120+ min | $135
Includes 15-20 min of pre and post treatment consultation, with 60 or 90 min treatment.
Packages available.
Light contact therapy for children & babies
Integrating modern pediatric care with CS therapy can have an increased and long term positive impact on a child’s overall health and recovery. It provides proactive and preventative care that is safe and easy on an infant's body. Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy is a light contact method focused on gently responding to the palpable rhythm and movement of cerebral spinal fluid within the spinal cord and brain of babies and children.
30 min | $75
45-60 min | $85
Full body system treatment
Visceral manipulation is bodywork done with an energetic touch, working both the front and back sides of the body. This method allows all the systems of the body to be treated, influencing changes from the spine into the cranium. The viscera within the body connect organs to organs, muscles, tendons and all fascia, therefore, this type of treatment is excellent for shoulder, neck, back, pelvic pain and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.
90-120 min | $120 or 120+ min | $135
Includes 15-20 min of pre and post treatment consultation, with 60 or 90 min treatment.
Packages available.
Tune your body and mind
CranioSacral therapy (CST) is an alternative medicine therapy which works with your spine and skull to reduce stress and relieve pain. Characterized by gentle manipulation of the fascia, diaphragms and cranial sutures, CranioSacral Therapy can address a number of common complaints as well as more chronic conditions. This therapy is specific to your needs, and my extensive experience in the field makes me uniquely qualified to practice this treatment to the extent of its capabilities.
90-120 min | $120 or 120+ min | $135
Includes 15-20 min of pre and post treatment consultation, with 60 or 90 min treatment.
Packages available.
My Story
I offer years of experience in teaching and counseling and I believe this is a great strength I can offer the individual engaged at this depth of commitment to their overall well-being. My experience as a therapist is always one of awe and wonder. I believe there is a science to my work, also a profound mystery.
Inside Light Touch Healing
6979 E Broadway Blvd, Suite 109
Tucson AZ 85710